Patent Trademark & Service Mark Services in Walnut Creek
Do You or Your Walnut Creek Business Need an Experienced Patent, Trademark, or Service Mark Attorney?
JGPC business lawyers are attorneys specializing in helping business owners, managers, investors, buyers, and their businesses in every stage of the business life cycle. We have decades of experience in assisting privately held businesses and business owners with the legal issues related to all stages of business growth.
Our business law firm has received the Top “AV”® Rating for Business Lawyers.* Our attorneys’ extensive business law experience and commitment to excellence will ensure that you and your business make the best possible business law decisions, for today and tomorrow.
Our Patent, Trademark & Service Mark Services
JGPC can help you with the identification, creation, protection and exploitation of your patents, trademarks, trade names and service marks.
JGPC offers patent, trademark, trade name, and service mark services such as assisting clients in identification of their trademark, trade name and service mark assets, registration of new patents, trademarks, trade names and service marks, protection of existing patents, trademarks, trade names and service marks, licensing and/or selling/acquiring patents, trademarks, trade names and service marks and development of a patent, trademark, trade name, and service mark strategy.
Our patent, trademark, trade name, and service mark strategic planning services typically involve:
- Identifying the client’s patents, trademarks, trade names, and service marks
- Registering new patents, trademarks, trade names, and service marks in states, nationally, and internationally
- Advising the client on the best means of protecting their existing patents, trademarks, trade names, and service marks
- Assisting the client in developing a plan for licensing or selling their patents, trademarks, trade names, and service marks
Our attorneys can help you:
Complete a Patent, Trademark, Trade Name and Service Mark Audit
The Audit: Identifying Your Existing Patents, Trademarks, Trade Names, and Service Marks
You can’t protect it if you don’t know what you’ve got or how to protect it. Whether you’re unsure of what your patent, trademark, trade name, and service mark assets are or are concerned that they aren’t adequately protected, we are here to help you. We will audit your business to identify trademark assets and assist you in obtaining appropriate protection, ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations, and conduct due diligence in connection with mergers, acquisitions, and other corporate milestones.
Regular trademark and service mark audits as part of the organizational management audits serve two key functions. The first is to properly manage the risk associated with creating and using trademark and service mark assets. This requires the company to determine which of its properties are being used by third parties without authorization and which third party properties the company may be using without proper authorization. The second area of the audit can be more rewarding. Here, the focus is on the property owned by the company that has not been exploited at all or, at least, not to its full potential. A thorough audit should help corporate managers identify new opportunities to exploit those assets the company already owns. Through this process, a company can turn “so-called” corporate liabilities into profit centers.